Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Pheromone Cologne

****disclaimer: I have my husband's full permission to blog this :)*****

I am married to THE funniest man alive.  He is intentionally funny all of the time, but on occasion his funniness is quite accidental.  And THESE are the times I particularly relish.

He's a shopper and a couple of weeks ago he bought himself a fancy new cologne. Which, I have to say that I LOVE, even though cologne in general is not my favorite thing.  OK, so, new cologne.  My brother was over for dinner a couple days after he bought it and when my brother complimented it my husband was quick to reply that it was INDEED very nice cologne and that he was pretty sure it had lots of pheromones in it.  My brother and I just sort of looked at him.....

"Honey," says I " you know what pheromones are?"

"Sure.  Good smells."      No honey, not good smells..........

Through much laughter, we managed to explain to my husband what pheromones were.  OK, story's not over.

Later that evening, my husband recounted an incident from earlier that day that he hadn't quite understood at the time, but in light of his new found knowledge about pheromones, now made perfect sense.

He was in a store earlier that day and an older lady, in her 70's, had complimented his cologne.  To which he promptly replied,

"Thanks, it's new. I think it has lots of pheromones in it."

He said she just gave him a look that was part disgust, part fear and then walked quickly away without saying another word.  

Funniest man alive. Even when he doesn't even try.

Hope you get a good chuckle out of picturing my 30-something husband relating to a 70 year old woman how full of pheromones his cologne is. I know I did.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Second Blog?!

Yup.   Most of you popping by probably already know that I'm a little crazy.  But, in the event that this is your first experience with ol' Twillypop, lemme just start by saying I'm a little nuts. In a good way.....Fun nuts.  I think.
 I tend to get in over my head, freak out, admit to my failings and shortcomings,  then pull myself  back together and have a good laugh.  Another blog could only stand to add to all of the capricious fun, don't you think?!

 But yes, this is a second blog. AND I have 2 Etsy shops AND I teach my kids at home. But that's all.  It's not like I have any pets to take care of or anything (our sea monkeys are recently deceased )

I have been itching to have a giveaway, promote my fellow Etsians, share recipes and favorite....ummm, well, EVERYTHINGS (books, movies, songs, etc....)  But my other blog has taken a different turn (one I LOVE) and soooooooo... A 2nd blog.

 I guess you could say this will be a giveaway/fashion/home/fitness/Etsy/handmade/pop-culture.......TwillyPOP culture (to give it a name, if you'll indulge the very MUCH intended pun) sort of blog.  A whatever blog, for fun stuff.  And  So, welcome.  Coming up next week: A giveaway you won't want to miss.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you again!