Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Handmade Holiday: timelessNchic

Festival of Color-Vintage-Upcycled Bountiful Picture Frame Collection
Shabby Jadeite - Upcycled - Vintage FLEUR Wall Pocket

CHEERY - Vintage - Upcycled Brass - RED CHRISTMAS Candle Holder

Deco - Vintage - Upcycled Stained Glass - CLASSIC WHITE - Wood Jewelry Box
A new favorite shop, nay....... borderline obsession is timelessNchic . LOVE this woman and EVERYTHING she does! I can personally tell you that her work is professional, impeccable, AND beautiful!  AND the best part is that she is  TONS of fun!!!******(I am not responsible for the habit-forming-ness of this shop!) 

 Check out her shop for fantastic upcycled, homey gifty-gifts for the people on your handmade holiday gift list!  Check her shop often as she is constantly selling and listing new items. You NEVER know what new form of upcycled awesomeness  you will find :D

Don't you just LOVE it all?!

Thanks for stopping by! Stay tuned for MORE fun shops to peruse for gifts this holiday season!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

We Have a Winner!!!

I drew a winner!!!  I'm going to keep you in suspense for another minute or two while I give you some clues.......

The winner has an Etsy shop of her own............. Here are some of her FAb creations:

If you guessed that the winner is Sarah from HandsFullCreations.....You are RIGHT!! Yay! Congrats, Sarah. Convo me with your choice of prize :)

Thank you all so much for entering!   Chow for now, sweethearts,,,,,, Yeah, I know it's Ciao. What of it? :D